Basic Prepositions

1. What are prepositions?

Prepositions tell us where something is.

Some basic prepositions are:

onnext tobelowoutside

2. How to use prepositions

Prepositions can be used:

  • after a verb
  • after a noun

*Note: although the ‘after a noun’ structure does not have a verb, its sentence must still have a verb.
Example: The book on the table is mine.

3. Examples of prepositions

Prepositions after verbPrepositions after noun
I live in Russia.I like the shoes in that shop.
He is sleeping under the table.The umbrella next to the door is Pedro’s.
He plays football in the garden.Julius painted the picture on the wall.
She studies at the best school in town.Take the money beside the phone for your lunch.
They sit at the front of the class.The plate in the sink needs washed.
The money fell off the table.The keys beside the bowl are yours.
The car will stop outside the house.Could you pass me the pencil on the table, please?
We jumped over the fence.Amy’s cat is asleep on the chair by the window.