What are they?
Writing can come in many different forms. These forms are the core structural component, framing the length and style of writing.
Within basic forms, there exist sub-forms.
Forms play an important role in what readers read, as individuals have preferences and certain forms receive greater market space.
Novel | Relatively long fictional prose presented as a book. |
Novella | A shorter form of the novel. |
Serialised novella | A novella published in parts, usually in a magazine. |
Short story | Fictional prose of a shorter length, able to be read in one sitting. |
Penny dreadful | Serial magazines specialising in lurid horror, sold for a penny in the 1830s. |
Article | An informing piece that appears within a newspaper or magazine. |
Feature | An in-depth article that is a main piece in a newspaper or magazine. |
Editorial | An article written by the editor giving a newspaper’s opinion on an issue. |
Magazine | A periodical publication with a central theme, containing various articles. |
Autobiography | An account of one’s own life. |
Biography | An account of somebody else’s life. |
Speech | An oral address given publicly to an audience. |
Report | An organised document analysing a specific point, made to inform others. |
Essay | A piece in which an author lays out an argument on a particular subject. |
Treatise | An in-depth essay on the political or religious principles of a subject. |
Pamphlet | An unbound information booklet often cover given free and en masse. |
Review | An evaluation of another’s work, service, or art. |
Poem | A work using imagery, rhythm and the art of language to evoke meaning, rather than full sentences and paragraphs. |
Ode | A poem praising a person, object or event which was traditionally performed with music. |
Ballad | A lyrical verse set to music, traditionally for dances. Contemporary meaning is a slow powerful love song. |
Limerick | A five-line poem, using AABBA rhyming structure, which is usually humorous and rude. |
Sonnet | Traditionally an Italian poem with ‘preposition’ and ‘resolution’ verses, it is now a 14-line love poem using ABABCDCDEFEFGG rhymes. |
Haiku | A short three-lined Japanese poem, using a 5-7-5 syllable structure, generally using imagery to evoke philosophical thought. |
Play | A spoken word drama designed to be performed publicly, incorporating acting rather than reading. |
Script | The written form of a play, including dialogue and stage directions, used for rehearsal. |
Sketch | A very short single scene piece of writing used to show a character or setting rather than a plot, and now often used for humour and acted. |
Treatment | A rough prose version of a story concept that will later be turned into a play or film script. |