With the development of science and technology some people believe that the value of artists, such as musicians and painters, has decreased.
Should schools encourage the arts and sciences equally?
The modern era has been one of unparalleled scientific progress, with inventions and discoveries outnumbering those made during any other period of human history. In contrast, there are many who believe that art has stalled, becoming overly conceptual, celebrity-obsessed and lacking in skill. Whilst I agree with the latter opinion I do, however, believe that artistic and creative skills have an equal place in the education system.
According to the United Nations, eduction is a right; however, not all students have similar interests and not every graduate needs a scientific background. This is relevant because whereas a knowledge of 20th century literature or the theory of aesthetics might not, for instance, be constructive to many professions, studying such subjects encourages those non-scientifically inclined individuals to continue reading and learning.
On top of this there is a cultural benefit in all students having a well-rounded background that encompasses a variety of elements. This crafts better minds across the whole of society and even promotes better uses of technological knowledge. The mechanics of science are often the catalyst for great modern discoveries, but they are best utilised when combined with artist ideas: the internet is visual style and entertainment as much as a transfer of data packets; prosthetics are shapely as well as functional. Similarly, great art (especially in areas such as film and photography) frequently requires a technology-based spine.
In conclusion, therefore, I do not see a reason to demote the teaching of art simply because technology is currently going through its version of the Renaissance. Furthermore, it is a combination of arts and sciences that reap the greatest rewards, and therefore to arrest the development of one on the presumption that the future is the same as the present would be a short-sighted and ignorant idea unbefitting of education.