Nouns (6) gimmick principle spectacle passion essence condition characteristic nepotism favouritism meritocracy | Positive Personalities (4) affectionate devoted focused realistic punctual (self-) confident |
Adjectives (6) bewitching morbid nationalistic platonic congenial spooky iconic classy hereditary supernatural -gifted (academically-… /musically-… /physically-… / technically-…) pseudo- (…-scientific/…-religious/…-intellectual/…-political) quasi- (…-scientific/…-religious/…-intellectual/…-political) | Negative Personalities (4) aloof callous apathetic conceited petty pompous intolerant ruthless |
Verbs (6) grovel imply coerce sponge deter fund jettison inspire underwhelm overwhelm impede derive waive | Religions Christianity Judaism Islam Buddhism Hinduism Sikhism Taoism Shinto |
Phrasal Verbs (6) buy up sell up hook up heat up dream up open up close up run up | Genres (2) tragedy kitchen-sink drama thriller psychological horror satire epic autobiography biography classic whodunit chick-flick |
Synonyms (3) irritating integral mind-numbing colossal mediocre lounge dupe scenario obliterate | Disasters earthquake landslide tornado hurricane typhoon flood flash flood tsunami tidal wave drought volcano forest fire war famine epidemic pandemic |
Loan Words (3) savoir faire haute cuisine haute couture raison d’etre schadenfreude foosball kaput in absentia via | The Arts painting photography dance music theatre / theater poetry architecture sculpture literature philosophy |
Jobs (3) executive chief executive officer (CEO) chief financial officer (CFO) computer programmer President Prime Minister politician consultant health and safety inspector spokesperson line manager advisor (financial/legal) | The Sciences astronomy astrophysics quantum mechanics nanotechnology robotics geology medicine genealogy genetics forensics nuclear physics aerodynamics criminology psychology psychiatry botany zoology archeology natural history |
Cosmetics make-up lipstick eyeliner mascara toner blusher rouge false lashes | University Dean Director of Studies faculty scholarship degree major outside course union fraternity sorority halls dorms (dormitories) lecture lecturer tutorial tutor lab essay dissertation thesis |
Beds and Sleep single bed double bed twin beds king-size queen-size sofa bed bunk bed water bed cot hammock mattress sheet duvet electric blanket quilt pillow insomnia sleep-walking | Rent a Property rent landlord deposit bills solicitor (estate) agent / realtor furnished unfurnished contract lease inventory to let location agent’s fee square metres / square meters |
Colours (3) navy emerald ruby maroon aquamarine turquoise tortoiseshell beige hazel rust russet burnt-sienna onyx transparent opaque | Alcohol lager ale spirits cocktails shooters neat on the rocks shot pint pitcher mixer tipsy drunk hangover hungover sober |