Descriptive writing


Varying sentence patterns

Linking phrases

Literary Devices

  • Alliteration
    Using words that start with the same sound.
  • Analogy
    Describing one thing in order to help a person understand a different thing.
  • Anaphora
    Repeating words or phrases at the start of clauses.
  • Assonance
    Repeating vowel sounds in a sentence.
  • Chiasmus
    Reversing the parts of a sentence to make a memorable phrase.
  • Consonance
    Repeating consonant sounds in a sentence.
  • Epistrophe
    Repeating words at the end of sentences to emphasise a point.
  • Euphemism
    Using a substitute word or phrase to avoid saying an offensive word.
  • Extended and Imaginative Metaphors
    Using many qualities of one object to help describe a different object.
  • Hyperbole
    Using exaggeration to make a point.
  • Irony
    The various forms of irony.
  • Koan
    Philosophical sayings that combine simple words with deep meaning.
  • Metaphor (simple)
    Using the qualities of one object to help describe another object.
  • Onomatopoeia
    Words that sound like sounds.
  • Oxymoron
    Using two opposite words to create an unusual description.

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